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Do you love science and space as you love Christopher Nolan? The question is not idle, because " Interstellar "Filmed precisely for those who missed classical science fiction about astronauts, scientists and the fate of mankind. To those who fall asleep, hearing philosophical dialogs and scientific terms, Nolan is merciless. Ignoramus crushing popcorn – out of the hall!

Genre: Science fiction Production: Legendary Pictures , USA Slogan: "The next step of humanity will become the greatest" Director: Christopher Nolan Scriptwriters: Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan Cast: Matthew McConahi, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Kane, Matt Damon World Premiere: October 26, 2014 Website: Interstellar-Movie.Com Similar films: "Beat", "Space Odyssey of 2001", "Gravity"

Stop the Earth, I'll go off

This does not mean that the film is boring. In terms of entertainment, he will shut up for the belt most blockbusteers of this year. The scenes in space are breathtaking, special effects in them are no worse than last year's " Gravity ". Types of other planets are fascinating. There are enough and typically Nolan, unexpected turns of the plot, conflicts and large -scale disasters.

But turn off the brain and relax, admiring the picture, will not work. "Interstellar", as a strict school teacher, demands to think from its spectators. Nolan, who made himself a name on a famously twisted, but primarily entertaining militants and thrillers like " Beginning " And " Dark Knight ", Shot his most intelligent film. " Interstellar " – this is a philosophical statement about the future, about space, ecology and essence of man.

► End of the world on Interstellar is not like a show. The world will not be destroyed by nuclear bombs, but dust storms, death of crops and human stupidity.

Future, according to Nolan, you and I are far from bright. In the next century, people in pursuit of luxury and comforts will put up the planet, consume almost all valuable resources and will be on the verge of extinction. About expensive space development will have to be forgotten. A funny detail perfectly illustrates how society has changed in " Interstellar ": In schools of the future, they teach that the Americans did not fly to the moon, and the landing frames are fake. All so that the children do not dream of stars. “Here you are the same,” the director’s reproach between the lines is heard. – buried in the monitors and stopped looking at the stars ".

The whole first hour of the film is dedicated to the story of dying land. This is the most dangerous part on which it is easy to get bored and losing interest. Fantastic blockbusters taught us to the rapid development of events, and Nolan mercilessly feeds the audience with descriptions and details, preventing him from turning away. Heroes meticulously explain to each other (and in fact – to us) that not so with the ground, why people again remembered the stars and how exactly the astronauts will fly there in search of a new house. But for a long time it could not continue-the film is still about space. And two hours of stellar adventures completely atone for the protracted entry.

► Zagolina on the horizon – this is a black hole. If Cooper’s mission is successful, our descendants will have such a nasty sun.

Wormworms without plot holes

Cosmic flight in " Interstellar "Shown as realistic as possible in science fiction. Scriptwriters advised by a famous physicist Kip Thorne , So all temporary paradoxes, black holes and wormholes here are as close as possible to how science represents them. And they are not just in the picture, but important for the script.

Creators " Interstellar »Formed a seemingly impossible task: to prove that real laws of physicists can no worse than fantastic conventions to serve as the basis for interesting plots. They succeeded, but not without light crook. Anabiosis capsules work “piano in the bushes”, allowing us to nullify many restrictions invented by Einstein. " Interstellar " – the most scientific of the fantastic films of the last decade, he sacredly observes the laws of physics, but even here they are more than a framework than a source of inspiration.

► This design, similar to anti -tank hedgehog, oddly enough, robot. It consists of mobile modules and can take different forms. At rest, he looks like a monolith from " Cosmic Odyssey 2001 ", Just does not buzz, but joking and chatting incessantly.

However, it is easy to close your eyes to such trifles. Because even without a popular science load " Interstellar »Passes, adders and impressive. Christopher and his brother Jonathan Nolan If they had not been if they had not turned the space "Road-Mui" about visiting several planets in an attraction with unexpected plot turns. You will never guess what kind of trick they will adjust to the heroes the next minute. And if at the beginning of the film some details seemed attracted by the ears, then the ending sets everything in place. All oddities have reasonable explanations, and the apparent plot holes have reliable plugs.

" Interstellar "Not only gives food for the mind, but also affects the necessary strings of the soul. His heroes are not supermen, but living people, and each of them has his own tragedy. One throws a family to save humanity; The other deceives his associates so that they do not lose the will to struggle; The third is losing his mind from loneliness … On the scenes where the astronauts watch video offers from home, even the most stale cynic will smell.

► What is a little offensive – the world is saved by some Americans, not an international crew. Nolan does not care about political correctness.

For such a depth of emotions, I must say thanks to excellent actors. Matthew McConahi magnificent in the title role of astronaut Cooper. Jessica Chastain Almost alone drags on himself a parallel storyline on the ground. Still charming and ancient, like a movie itself, Michael Kane.

Love, girls, scientists!

Yes, " Interstellar " – not one of the films that we are used to expect from Nolan. A long serious epic about space and the future – this is usually the part Ridley Scott or James Cameron. But the first failed with " Prometheus ", Crippled by the scriptwriters, and the second, it seems, will be stamped frivolous for many years" Avatars ".

So it was on the shoulders of Nolan that the incredibly ambitious task fell – to restore an almost lost connection between science fiction and science and revive the dream of space. A dream that has almost died in recent decades. It would seem that we live in the era of miracles that have come true, progress goes by seven-miMs … but somewhere is not there. Who would believe half a century ago that a person’s leg will not step on Mars, and on the masterpieces of technology people will mostly watch a funny video with cats?

“In my time, every child dreamed of becoming an astronaut. We went crazy for " Cosmic Odyssey " Kubrick , -said the director at the Comedian-Office. – And I want the current generation to see such stories on the screen too. ".

In a sense, Nolan really got the “cosmic odysse” of the new era. Only much more meticulous, chewing everything that Kubrick would have left to the viewer. Remember the surreal flight into another dimension that ends with the Odyssey? There is a similar scene in the "Interstellar" final, but even in it the heroes explain in detail aloud what and why and why.

► On such a ring, the heroes will go to another galaxy. Not as beautiful as “flying irons” from the cosmooper, but convincingly.

Probably this day it is necessary – the public does not understand hints. She needs to inform you with direct text: we owe all that we have, we owe science. You are boring for long conversations of scientists about singularity and fifth dimension? Tolerate and try to understand what all these nerds are talking about. After all, when humanity leads itself to the Apocalypse, it is scientists, who has become tired, will drag us out of the swamp.



Einstein applauds standing.

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