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If we assume for a second that ORCS MUST DIE! The developers have some kind of high idea, it turns out that this is a game of moral degradation of a person. Judge for yourself. At first, you are imbued with sincere sympathy for the green -skinned one: the orcs, as if luminous lemmings, the wave behind the wave of death that Tropical Wins Casino you built are broken by the wave. And they are frankly sorry. At the end of the first hour, with an absolutely clear conscience, you try to correctly build the defense, arranging so far a few types of traps, carefully shoot the broken enemies and thoughtfully select the most profitable combinations of deadly guns. A little later, every mass murder involuntarily causes an ominous grin. Finally, after two hours of a continuous game in an orc Torquemade, you cease to control yourself completely – every now and then a rolling roar breaks out of your chest and an apartment announces a fighting scream: “The orcs must die!"Here it turns out that you, in general, are not much different from bloodthirsty monsters on the other side of the screen.

As grandfather Gandalf bequeathed to us

Of course, in fact, not in OMD!, There is no sense in the sequel of high. This is a game about how to crush, beat, burn, dissolve in acid, pierce with stakes, explode, split into molecules, pour with hot oil, freeze, drown in lava, turn into sheep and pierce the arrows of poor orcs. In a word, Robot Entertainment , To put it mildly, not up to far -fetched messages. Orcs Must Die! 2 It is beautiful for its Neanderthal simplicity: here are the legions of goblins and a huge number of ways to kill them – have fun, people!

[Bullet]] There are already guidelines on the network with a description of the most effective sets of traps, but it is much more pleasant to find them by the method of trial and error.

However, the simplicity of the idea does not mean the simplicity of the gameplay at all. This is all the same deep, multivariate Tower Defense, only with blood fountains and funny orcs. Despite the perspective for the TD-game, a third-person perspective and the need to personally beat monsters, without using traps, you will very quickly choke under the onslaught of opponents. On the map you have to rush at the speed of an electric broom: to put a couple of traps somewhere, somewhere to choose bubbles with mana or jewel, somewhere to knock out a couple of fangs. They did not keep track of the suddenly opened portal and passed the green -legged string to the teleport – start again. They just don't let your breath, and this is the main charm of the game. If in other Tower Defense gameplay is conditionally divided into two phases – the installation of defense and the phase of inactive contemplation of how the enemies die on the approach, then OMD! 2 requires you full return every second. If you sit down for a game with a mug of hot tea, be prepared that you will have to drink it with a cooled order.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Frankly, the figure "2" in the name of the sequel – pure water fiction. Orcs Must Die! 2 pulls more on a weighty addon or DLC pack than a full continuation. Robot Entertainment somewhat expanded toys set (new monsters, traps, upgrades and maps), but did not deepen the mechanics. Moreover, the developers did not correct the essential mistakes of the original – here the same single -line jokes and saying, along with terribly annoying music, which already at the fourth level begins to be seriously nervous. In addition, the sequel turned out even shorter than the first part, which in itself ended unexpectedly quickly: in OMD! 2 only fifteen cards flying over the evening.

[[Bullet]] At the end of the level, the card begins to resemble one large torture Spanish Inquisition. Beauty!

This should be finished with a review, hang on OMD! 2 label of a failed and completely unnecessary sequel and with a calm soul to go to fill the clock in Dota 2 , If not for one single nuance. A cooperative was added to the game. And he's just magnificent. Talking monsters cheerfully and in proud loneliness, but when a friend no less greedy for orc blood joins you, all claims to the developers are somehow hardened in the throat.

[[Bullet]], if desired, roles with a partner can change-put a crossbow or a magic pendant, and give the spellman something more dull.

There are now two military magicians: the main villain of the first part after a crushing defeat has lost control of her army and was forced to join the hero-Balbesus from the original. The tandem was a success, the characters not only throw caustic sharpnesses, but also complement each other in battle. For example, the caster can lure of particularly strong monsters to her side, while the warrior armed with a hammer turns into a dusty trifle into dust. Strict specialization – the key to survival. Resources and slots for traps and active objects for each hero are half as much as in the single, so you have to discuss the duties in advance. Say, one can pump the wall traps while the other builds an obstacle strip on the ground worthy of the best Indian yogis.

[[Bullet]] If only the jackets of the orcs did not disappear from the card after a few seconds ..

In a word, the cooperative turned out to be wonderful, but … because of it the single suffered. Both modes divide the same set of cards, whose design was clearly developed on joint passage. This is expressed in sharp jumps of difficulty from level to level: it is not possible to force all the approaches to the portal alone, and it is not possible to run between the lines and to tear the orcs with your own hand is sometimes not enough to go through the level with the maximum rating.

And you will surely want to do it. OMD! 2 In surprisingly, ambition wakes up: a huge desire to perfectly clean all the cards appears, to try out new traps and special objects in the case, as well as accumulate precious skulls on unjustifiably expensive (and an order of magnitude more frank) costume for the shutter-habitat. Even with repeated passage, the game does not bother-the variety of monsters, traps and upgrades, as well as the ability to lose experience at any time and pump something new allows you to go through the same level of different ways.

Orcs Must Die! 2 proves that a person can look indefinitely not only at how water flows or others work, but also how the endless hordes of orcs are split into bloody scraps. This is all the same bright, cheerful and fascinating game, which even a year later did not get analogues. Another similar Tower Defense on the market is simply not.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



Development of the ideas of the original game. Orcs Must Die! 2 is all the same exciting action hybrid and Tower Defense. The essence of what is happening has not changed, but a wonderful cooperative appeared.

Mania rating: 8.0


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